OMW Prompt: “Favorite hat to wear?”

I use the One Minute Writer daily writing prompt . Today’s question was: “What is your favorite hat to wear (figuratively or literally)?” Here’s my answer, along with the picture I selected to illustrate it. :o)

Writer Wordart

I have wanted to write (or at least edit) fiction professionally for as long as I can remember. My favorite “hat” to wear these days is being a member of the East Shelby County Writers’ Group. [Updated to note: The group is now defunct. Sadly.] Even if we only talk about the Avengers, I’m with other people who care about telling a good story, polishing their use of the written word, thinking deeply, and communicating clearly. Plus, they’re all delightful smartasses, and that helps. ;o)



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Filed under One-Minute Writer questions “Favorite Olympic Sport”

Today’s prompt was, “What Olympic sport do you most enjoy watching?” Here’s my response and the pic I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

I love the strength and precision of gymnastics and the artistry involved. But I almost never watch the Olympics because the tension is unbearable, fearing that someone who’s worked for years might slip up and make a mistake. (Of course, I’m the gal who has to turn off sitcoms when I know trouble is coming for the characters, because I can’t stand THAT either. *eye roll*)

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Filed under questions “Soda bans?”

Today’s prompt was, “Should soda be banned in all schools?” Here’s my response and the pic I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

Oh, I don’t really care. Sorry, nutrition nazis. I agree that it’s not the best choice for growing bodies, but this seems like more of a personal decision for the kids and reasonable advice for parents to offer. After two children, I am just SO TIRED of the oppressive regimes in schools that are trying to be everything and totally failing. Stupid rules about hair color and belts, poor counseling when grades fall, etc. Can you guys just teach the effing subjects and leave the rest to us? I’d be willing to concede this proposed ban if I thought for one second the encroachment would stop.

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