I am getting corrected with increasing frequency when I order my favorite breakfast item from your menu. It’s really starting to lose its luster.
It’s the Sous Vide Egg White Egg Bites with the Roasted Red Peppers. Or at least that’s what it was named when the menu item debuted. Currently, your menu dubs it the Sous Vide Egg Bites: Egg White & Red Pepper.
Now, granted, that’s a shitty product name. Too long. Too confusing. And no clear key word or phrase in the long, long, long name. But you guys picked it.
(Why not just call this product “Bites”? You could have Ham Bites, Chicken Bites, Pepper Bites and Bacon Bites. Boom! You’re done.)
Could you all just get together and decide how you want me to order it? Because you all want to hear it different ways.
One wants me to ask for the “Egg White Bites.” And if I don’t specify “egg whites” she seems to have no idea of what product I’m referencing. How confusing can this actually be?
Another acts confused if I say “Sous Vide” in the order.
A third got huffy today when I asked for the sous vide item “with the roasted red peppers” and said there are TWO that have that ingredient. (Yes, but only one of them has it in the product’s name. And if I were ordering the ham one, don’t you think “ham” would come up in the description? Here’s your Derp certificate.)
Miniwheats with almond milk and fresh strawberries at home is starting to sound a LOT more appealing.