Category Archives: questions “Seasonal Flavors”

Today’s prompt was, “Share your favorite seasonal food item.” Here’s my response and the pic I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

Ringo’s Fruits Cake

I am the only human being on the planet who truly, genuinely adores rum-soaked homemade fruitcake at Christmas (or anytime). Little old ladies who can’t give the stuff away to anyone else ADORE me. I particularly remember how Miss Rose Peevey, a friend of my grandmom’s, always made it.

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Filed under questions “Greatest Hits Album”

Today’s prompt was, “What greatest hits album could you listen to on repeat?” Here’s my response and the album cover art that I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

I could listen to Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits over and over and over. I’m a total square, but that’s how I roll. If I had to pick ONE album, that would be it.

If it’s any consolation to the hipsters out there, I also like a lot of the modern “emo pop” (God help me) that my 14-year-old introduces me to, but give me Simon & Garfunkel, CCR, John Denver, Joni Mitchell, the Carpenters, or Arlo Guthrie ANY DAY. Well … and throw in some early Eagles, Meat Loaf and ZZ Top too. Just sayin’.

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Filed under questions “Favorite Olympic Sport”

Today’s prompt was, “What Olympic sport do you most enjoy watching?” Here’s my response and the pic I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

I love the strength and precision of gymnastics and the artistry involved. But I almost never watch the Olympics because the tension is unbearable, fearing that someone who’s worked for years might slip up and make a mistake. (Of course, I’m the gal who has to turn off sitcoms when I know trouble is coming for the characters, because I can’t stand THAT either. *eye roll*)

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