“Greatest Hits Album”

Today’s prompt was, “What greatest hits album could you listen to on repeat?” Here’s my response and the album cover art that I selected to illustrate it. ;o)

I could listen to Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits over and over and over. I’m a total square, but that’s how I roll. If I had to pick ONE album, that would be it.

If it’s any consolation to the hipsters out there, I also like a lot of the modern “emo pop” (God help me) that my 14-year-old introduces me to, but give me Simon & Garfunkel, CCR, John Denver, Joni Mitchell, the Carpenters, or Arlo Guthrie ANY DAY. Well … and throw in some early Eagles, Meat Loaf and ZZ Top too. Just sayin’.

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Spam Watch: Touched in the Noodle, Indelicate We Go

Does anyone else sift through his/her blog’s spam filters occasionally? I find it irresistible sometimes. Apparently, knock-off purses are getting a HUGE push, along with anything Nike. For this blog, here are my favorite spam comments lately:

  1. This internet site is my breathing in, genuinely very good layout and perfect content material.
  2. All products provided, you turn to a promotional heavy-set copse touched in the noodle and most beneficent service.
  3. His foot, ankle, can of muscles remarkably noxious.
  4. Chintzy crammer in Japan!
  5. Be afflicted with Budget-priced Bus.
  6. Blow the whistle on buy, do not evade it.
  7. Particularly scant percentage can buy yo.
  8. We brim-full congested of the most famous teacher gorgon.
  9. You arrange our hush-hush survival.
  10.  We can away with us indelicate we go.

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Filed under Spam Watch

STC: New Weekly Writing Challenge

I’m doing the 10-week “Save the Cat” (STC) writing challenge based on Blake Snyder’s book.

"Save the Cat!" Writing ChallengeThe STC writing challenge should be a fun one: 10 stories. 10 weeks. 10 different genres. The challenge has some flexibility, so here are the rules I will be following:

1 – Write a story a week for 10 weeks, corresponding to one of the 10 genre types. Order will not matter; no type can be repeated.

2 – I have to specify a story length to shoot for. I will say 5,000 words since I doubt I will be able to contain myself to the suggested 1,000-word flash fiction length. This may change after my first week’s efforts!

3 – Starting next week, I will publish my stories on this blog (and possibly other forums) by 5 p.m. on Sundays.

Wish me luck!

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