Today’s reality checks. Just doing a quick driveby on the blog today!
- Had delicious breakfast from yogurt/fruit/nuts/grains extravaganza we call Swedish oatmeal. And chocolate-frosted cake and cheesecake muffins (with an Oreo on the bottom) are still players in the office fridge. Not to mention the slab of steak left over from last night’s dinner out. Birthday leftovers are the BEST.
- Got my daily serving of a corny joke first thing, courtesy of younger daughter.
- At work super early. I *love* riding in with my husband when we carpool. Not so much in love with the concepts of “rising early” and “morning.”
- I’m wearing the farty sandals today (the snug-fitting heel makes a poofy little sigh with every step).
- IBS, stop your rumblings! You are NOT on today’s agenda.